
MAILPOST Privacy Policy

The following is the Privacy Policy of MAILPOST.

Please read the following policy so you understand how we useand why we collect, the personal information we ask you to submit.MAILPOST can change this policy without notice fromtime to time, therefore please refer back to this page periodically.

Information Collection and Use

MAILPOST does not collect personalinformation when you visit its Website, unless you place an order orregister for information. When you register or place an order you willbe asked for the following personal information:

  • Your name
  • eMail address
  • Physical address
  • Special deliveryinstructions
  • Phone number
  • Mobile number
  • Fax number
  • Your message

This information is your personal information and MAILPOSTwill not disclose, leverage or sell this informationto any other organisation under any circumstances, without priorpermission, unless that information is absolutely necessary, for thirdparties that are involved in the processing of your registration ororder and are contracted to MAILPOST to keep theinformation confidential or are required to comply with all relevantlaws including the Privacy Act. Other ways we collect and use yourpersonal information are to:

  • Provide you withthe products, services or information you have requested
  • To determineyour liability to Australian GST in the course of an order
  • Develop andimprove the products, benefits and services we offer to our customersand Website users
  • Notify you ofany MAILPOST hosted/run Competitions, new services orpromotions from time to time
  • If required bylaw or to enforce, protect or apply rights, we may release personalinformation as required.


A cookie is a small amount of information sent from a Webserver to your computer. MAILPOST may use cookies tomaintain information for our service offerings. MAILPOST uses cookiesto store session information while users arebrowsing its websites. The type of information we collect as a resultof a cookie may include the date and time and how you access ourwebsite and what parts of the website are visited. The foregoinginformation is collected to monitor website usage, for marketingactivities and for statistical purposes. The data stored in the cookiefor usage tracking is a randomly generated identifier and does notidentify you personally. You may set your browser to notify you whenyou receive a cookie or to refuse receiving it.

Mail (Electronic and Postal)

During the course of your association with MAILPOST, you mayreceive e-mails from us that contain informationrelating to you and the service provided to you as a customer,including but not limited to Website changes, product additions, newsand current updates concerning the industry, our Website and productavailability. It is our policy to provide you with the opportunity tolimit the use and/or disclosure of your personal information. You maydo this when you first register or at any other time you receive e-mailfrom us, or at any other time by written notice to MAILPOST. If at anytime you no longer wish to receive e-mail from us,you can send an e-mail to deregister@mailpost.com.au and request removal from our mailing list.

Links to External Sites

This Privacy Policy applies to information collected onlineof which MAILPOST has direct and total control of.MAILPOST does not take any responsibility for itsadvertisers, outgoing links, or any other part of this site that is notunder direct or total control of MAILPOST. We advisethat users read the Privacy Policies of external sites beforesubmitting personal information.

Data Quality

MAILPOST takes all reasonable steps toensure that all personal information we collect and use is accurate,complete and up-to-date. It is your responsibility to make sure yourinformation is accurate and complete.

Data Security

MAILPOST will take reasonable steps toensure that all information we collect, use or disclose is accurate,complete, up-to-date and stored in a secure environment accessed onlyby authorised persons. MAILPOST also takes reasonablesteps to protect personal information it holds from misuse, loss,unauthorised access, modification and disclosure.

We have implemented technology and security features, as wellas strict internal guidelines, to safeguard the privacy of yourpersonal information from unauthorised access. We will continue toenhance these features as technology changes and becomes available.

Furthermore MAILPOST takes reasonable stepsto destroy or permanently de-identify personal information if it is nolonger needed for any purpose.


If you have any questions, comments or complaints concerningthis policy, please contact:

Privacy Officer
iMail Post Limited
PO Box 589
Brighton Le Sands NSW 2216

Or by e-mail to:


Please provide all of the appropriate details and the natureof your query to the Privacy officer and you will be followed up within28 days by post.

In order to assist a prompt response please provide thefollowing information:

  • Information thatyou think that we have
  • How thisinformation was obtained
  • What you want usto do with this information
  • Please allow 28days for us to respond to you query

More information on Australian privacy legislation isavailable from the Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner at www.privacy.gov.au

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